Monday, April 02, 2007

Revs Coach Paul Mariner

Originally uploaded by shersteve.
Soccer is a simple game. 22 people, 11 per side, 2 goals, 1 field, one ball.

The team with the best approach and best execution should win.

Coach Paul Mariner was at the white board during the recent "Meet the Revs" event. He used the board and some video clips from last year's games to highlight some key moves.

The Revs open their season April 7 against Chicago but have been practicing and going to school for a couple of months already to prepare.

What do you do to prepare for life?


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    The monthly refocus day. When I don't do it, I drift all over the field and play a losing game. When I do it, I come out shooting at goal and scoring!

  2. Peter, so you refocus monthly?

    I do a weekly report with accomplishments and an outlook for the week ahead usually on Friday closing out the day/week but I send it to the boss on Monday in case anything changes over the weekend. Usually it is something I forgot to add. :-)


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