Friday, May 25, 2007

Thuban Phenomenon

One of Polaris’ predecessors in the role of “North Star” is Thuban, a star in the constellation Draco the dragon. Thuban was the naked-eye star closest to the north pole from roughly 4000 BC until 1800 BC. This means that Thuban was the “guiding light” the ancients looked to for finding true north. For example, the Egyptians used Thuban to align the Great Pyramids of Giza. Neolithic British tribes used Thuban to lay out Stonehenge. And early Babylonians used astronomical records from a Thuban-centered night sky to create their highly accurate calendar.
Did you know that? I learned something new today.

I also like how Roger introduces the Thuban Phenomenon:

I think the “Thuban Phenomenon” is a wonderful metaphor that we can apply to our own lives in particular and to the human sphere in general.

This is how it works. Let’s suppose that in a earlier period of your life, you have a “star” that is your “guiding light” — it’s at the center of your universe. This “star” could be an idea, another person, a belief, an activity, a philosophy, or a relationship, that guides your thinking and actions.

But then you change. Just as the earth has its own perturbations, your own axis also changes — you develop new interests, learn new skills, meet new people, and change locations — such that you find new “guiding lights.” And your original “north star” drifts off toward the periphery.

Hey, this sounds familiar. This gives meaning to the phrase "what goes around comes around".

Read Roger's full posting here and see if there are examples of Thuban Phenomenon in your life.

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