Thursday, June 07, 2007

Care about healthcare

In the end, both men lack courage to break the stranglehold the corporatocracy has on healthcare in the U.S. by openly endorsing a switch to universal coverage as soon as it can be implemented.

What these two men tell us about themselves in their half-baked, half-private plans is that they are timid, too much politics-as-usual kind of people to fix America’s broken healthcare system. Two men who, as senator and former senator, have no stake in fixing healthcare for the rest of us because both have the best health coverage in the country guaranteed for life by the federal government.

Because people 65 and older have Medicare, which works pretty well, perhaps some elders haven’t noticed that American healthcare is in crisis. One-sixth of all Americans are without health coverage. Millions of children go without basic checkups and dental care. Every day, people die because hospitals can’t afford to treat them.

As part of our everyday learning, we need to stay on top of the political scene for the major issues of which healthcare is certainly one that will reach out and touch every one of us, sooner or later.

If you don't already check in with Ronni Bennett, it would be a very good thing to do.

Read the remainder of her posting for the current candidates position on healthcare.

Something we all need to care more about!


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Thanks for furthering this discussion, Steve. It is so important and as one reader commented at my place:

    "I don't think it is a problem that can be solved incrementally. We are either going to have to have universal health care, or not. Nothing less that anyone comes up with really helps."

    Universal coverage is an issue whose time has come. Now how do we get Congress to catch up with the citizens of the U.S.?

  2. Ronni, thanks for the opportunity to continue this discussion. It is an important one.

    One family member currently is facing minor surgery (can it really be minor if it is surgery?) and the plans are being revised now that it was discovered that the specialist they were dealing with through the hospital (in network) is not part of the network.

    Can we make this any more confusing?


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