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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Questions of Synergy - #2

I am continuing to answer Rosa Say's questions posted to Team Synergy. The second question she asked was:

TOPIC HIT LISTS: There's been a lot of talk of Web 2.0 and Globalization 3.0. What is it we'll all have to learn to remain in the know and to feel we're caught up and not left behind?

In specific, I think it will be hard to determine exactly what we will need to learn to stay current. In general, we will need to trust our instincts. I think, our instincts will serve as crystalstal ball.

How's that?

What is the new buzz about? While there will be plenty of hype about it, does it really make sense? Can you use it? Is it easy to use? Is there some traction there?

Web 2.0 is about the interaction capability of the internet.comparisonsion to Web 1.0, there was a static web page. You went to visit to gather information or for entertainment. Web 2.0 is more about participating, creating a sense of community, a sense of belonging.

I had not heard of Globalization 3.0 but it would make sense that this comes after Web 2.0 and Tom Friedman's "The World Is Flat". The competition amongst the knowledge workers will not just be with those in the neighborhood, or within commuting distance, the competition in a flat world will be amongst any one who has the same skill set when the work canaccomplishedihed remotely. What can help to bring about a community will require a good user interface and experience. If it has these features it will be more likely to succeed than something that is hard to use.

Learning something new each day will hePrioritizezing what you learn in the arena of collaboration and communications, I think, would be the way to go.

What do you think?

The first question was answered here.

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