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Saturday, October 21, 2006


Anticipation rising again. Conference call today at 6:00 PM.
No, it is not for work. The JJLN core is getting together.
Saturday afternoon, sun setting, breeze still blowing, leaves falling.
Paul Simon sings "If the asnwer is infinite light, why do we sleep in the dark?" in his new song, "How can you live in the Northeast?"
and Rosa asks:
I am often struck these days about the speed of these advancements, wishing I had a personal, knows-it-all web-savvy guru seated at my side to walk me through everything, and then throw me overboard into it, while he/she floats nearby with a life preserver at the ready should I need it. Then, mere seconds later, I wonder, how much do we really need to know?

How much do we really need to know?

Enough to make our way.

Where are we going?

Ah, that is another story. We are going forward and will end up where we need to be.

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